You've probably heard that CBD can reduce symptoms of pain and inflammation for many people, but what if the anti-aging properties go deeper than that? In Episode 18 of the Ministry of Hemp Podcast, we're talking about the many anti-aging properties of CBD.
This time, our host Matt talks with Dr. Joe Maroon a practicing Physician and Neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Joe tells us about about his work and life experience with the healing benefits of CBD. Joe works with CV Sciences, makers of Top CBD Brand PlusCBD Oil, as an Independent Director. His book is "Square One: A Simple Guide to A Balanced Life".
We also check in on the news that women's soccer super-star Megan Rapinoe is getting in the CBD business, and the growing popularity of CBD for pro athletes.
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Here are some other articles we've written about the benefits of CBD in aging bodies:
Below you'll find the complete written transcript for this episode:
Matt Baum: 00:07 Welcome back to the Ministry of Hemp Podcast. My name's Matt Baum. And I am your host. And today on the show, it wasn't easy, but I finally found a doctor who's willing to go on record talking about hemp, CBD and the actual medical benefits that it provides. Now it might seem weird that I even have to say that out loud, especially with the amount of CBD and news coverage of CBD and medical claims that several companies are making. There's a huge business and it's all the rage right now, but not a lot of doctors are willing to come out and talk about the actual benefits until more research comes in. Today we're going to talk to Dr. Joe Maroon. He's a physician and practicing neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And as it happens, he is the author of just such a study. But before we get into all that, let's talk about hemp in the news.
Speaker 2: 01:04 Rapinoe ready. To fire this in presumably with pace. [inaudible 00:01:16] and all the way in.
Matt Baum: 01:21 As most of you probably have already heard or maybe even watched this past summer, the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup was won by our U.S. Women's team and we couldn't be more proud of them here at Ministry of Hemp. Arguably the biggest star of the show was Megan Rapinoe who won the Golden Boot and Golden Ball awards. Not only was she amazing on the field, she has a huge personality and also said some stuff that upset the President a little bit, so I kind of like her for that too. Now that Megan has some time off, she is joining her twin sister in a business venture. Her twin sister just happens to own a CBD company called Mendi. And Megan is going to be working as a board advisor and strategic partner to help with brand strategy and product development. Basically she is going to be working with Mendi on developing a line of products for athletes, looking to both maintain peak performance and help with their recovery.
Matt Baum: 02:20 Mendi isn't just doing this as a publicity stunt, sort of like Shaq selling pizza. This is more of a huge, very well recognized sports star stepping up to say there are alternative ways to recover as opposed to pain pills, which a lot of athletes end up abusing to deal with their own aches and pains. And the sad part is for the most part the professional sporting world is still completely stigmatizing hemp and treating it like it's an illegal drug, while turning a blind eye to their own team doctors handing out steroids and pain pills to deal with injuries. Megan and Mendi are working on a CBD brand that is geared towards sports and athletes and she has a whole network of professional athletes that are using CBD in their own recovery process and would like to see it used more often across more sports rather than throwing drugs at problems.
Matt Baum: 03:16 Mendi as a company hasn't been around very long. They've only had their products in the market since August, but they have already had some major ad space in professional soccer. They were featured in the NWSL semifinal match, which was the Seattle Reign versus the North Carolina Courage. And it was televised on ESPN2. I would guess you'll be seeing more professional athletes voicing their support of CBD very soon. But Megan is an awesome personality to do it and hopefully her name recognition and her unique voice will be what it takes to get pro sports to really start thinking about incorporating CBD into their team doctor's regimen.
Matt Baum: 04:00 And speaking of doctors, let's get to my conversation with Dr. Joe Maroon. So doctor, can I ask you, how does a neurosurgeon find his way to hemp?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 04:13 Excellent question. Matt, I'm a neurosurgeon. I also for the last 25 years have been competing in triathlons.
Matt Baum: 04:22 Oh wow. Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 04:26 It's a short story and a long story. I recently published a book entitled Square One, The Secret of a Balanced Life and it's available on Amazon. And basically it details how I actually did get into triathlons and how doing that actually saved my life. I had a very significant mid life problem quite a few years ago with the death of my father.
Matt Baum: 04:59 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 05:01 Marriage breaking up and having to quit neurosurgery and work in a truck stop for over a year.
Matt Baum: 05:07 Oh my God.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 05:08 One day I was doing brain surgery. The next I was filling up 18 wheelers and flipping hamburgers for a year.
Matt Baum: 05:15 Wow.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 05:15 In a dilapidated truck stop that my father left to my mother. It was heavily mortgaged.
Matt Baum: 05:22 This was a family business basically. So you got called home to run the business?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 05:27 So I got called home to run a business. But because of stress and significant depression, I really was unable to work as a neurosurgeon. I mean I was, I couldn't do it.
Matt Baum: 05:40 Gotcha.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 05:40 So what really after struggling for many months, I took a run around the high school track with the banker who held the mortgage on the truck stop. He wanted to see if I was going to be alive long enough to pay off the mortgage, I believe.
Matt Baum: 06:01 Funny how bankers are like that. Huh?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 06:04 And it was interesting. That was the first night I slept in months after that run. I was 20 pounds overweight, far out of shape. And I subsequently went down the next day and then the next day and I realized that unintentionally through exercise I was resetting the neurochemicals in my brain and literally beginning to rewire my brain.
Matt Baum: 06:38 Right. I mean it's truth there. Exercise keeps you alive and not just health wise but your brain, it keeps you stimulated.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 06:46 It really completely changed my life. And I started to run, I learned to bike and swim and I started competing in tin man triathlons. Very brief, a mile swim, 10K run and a 25 mile bike. And I eventually got up to the Iron Man distance and have competed in eight Iron Man distance triathlons. Five in Hawaii.
Matt Baum: 07:12 Oh my god. Eight of them?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 07:14 Of the course of many years. So this is kind of a long way of getting back to your initial question.
Matt Baum: 07:19 Sure. Well, I didn't know we were going to go there though. That was very interesting. I knew I was talking to a neuroscientist, not a triathlete as well.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 07:30 And so I, after running, biking, swimming, over training a bit, I became quite, I noticed my joints, my muscles. And I became aware of the huge role that inflammation plays in our lives.
Matt Baum: 07:49 Yes.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 07:51 Not only for sports, but it's the common factor as you know, in coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attacks, cancer, and also Alzheimer's disease.
Matt Baum: 08:04 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 08:04 Inflammation is the common genesis of all of these problems as well as muscle soreness after doing a triathlon.
Matt Baum: 08:14 Sure. Well that too. Sure.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 08:19 So essentially 20 years ago I became interested in natural anti-inflammatories. And initially I discovered Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil.
Matt Baum: 08:32 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 08:32 Which is a natural anti-inflammatory. And I found it very salubrious if you would.
Matt Baum: 08:41 Nice.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 08:41 In terms of …
Matt Baum: 08:42 That's a $20 word there, that was good.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 08:47 And actually wrote some papers on that. Putting people on it with arthritis, using that instead of ibuprofen and drugs that kill 16,000 people a year from gastric ulceration. And so when I discovered CBD probably five, six years ago, four years ago, Stuart Tomc, who's a brilliant individual with a company called CV sciences, who's head of sales and marketing and just is knowledgeable as anybody I know in the country about anti- inflammation and cannabinoids introduced me to CBD. And I became a student if you would of CBD and THC as well and have written a few papers. One entitled Review of the Neurological Benefits of Phytocannabinoids, which was published in Surgical Neurology International a couple of years ago is a good review paper of the benefits of THC, CBD, the combination and the powerful effect they have in various aspects of our lives. Including …
Matt Baum: 10:21 Let's talk about that for a minute. Let's talk about that for a minute. This is a peer reviewed paper in a scientific journal?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 10:29 That's correct.
Matt Baum: 10:29 So and that's awesome because we need more of that. But let's get into that. This paper that you wrote, I mean we know, like you said, it helps with inflammation and stuff, but this is more dealing with the brain and how it affects the brain, right?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 10:44 Well, yes. Yes, how it affects the brain. The Neurological Benefits of Phytocannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System is the title. Yes. So how does it affect the brain?
Matt Baum: 10:57 Yeah, what are the benefits to that?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 11:01 Number one, it's an analgesic means that it helps reduce pain.
Matt Baum: 11:10 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 11:10 And number two, it's an anti-inflammatory, so not only in the brain, but also in the body. It reduces inflammation. Number three, it's neuroprotective. The first patent on CBD was in 2002 by the NIH and that by Julian Axelrod, who was a Nobel Prize Laureate for his work on receptors in the brain.
Matt Baum: 11:43 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 11:43 And they patented this as a neuroprotectant. In other words, in various animals that were given CBD prior to trauma, they found that the damage caused by trauma or stroke in laboratory specimens was significantly less then if they were not pretreated with this particular compound, with CBD.
Matt Baum: 12:14 So the CBD literally insulated the nerves and whatnot against stroke trauma?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 12:23 That's correct.
Matt Baum: 12:24 Wow.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 12:25 That's correct.
Matt Baum: 12:25 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 12:25 And that's why it's called a neuroprotectant.
Matt Baum: 12:28 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 12:29 And it does that by, if you get a splinter under your finger, what happens to your finger?
Speaker 6: 12:35 It swells up.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 12:37 It gets red, hot, tender and swollen, right? That's the body's natural immune response. Why does that occur? Well, it's a natural protective mechanism evolving over hundreds of thousands and millions of years in our body.
Matt Baum: 12:54 Sure.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 12:54 Well, the reason the swelling occurs and the tenderness and pain is there are agents called cytokines and chemokines released by blood cells that rush the puncture site in your finger.
Matt Baum: 13:10 Right. And they say…
Dr. Joe Maroon: 13:10 And then these agents are what causes the red, hot, tender, swollen, innate immune response. Well if you get hit in the brain, hit in the head or if you have a stroke, the same agents get released in the environment of the brain and cause neuro- inflammation.
Matt Baum: 13:34 And that's why …
Dr. Joe Maroon: 13:34 Neuro-inflammatory response.
Matt Baum: 13:36 That's why they have to drain fluid and whatnot after strokes to reduce pressure, right?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 13:42 Well, the swelling causes pressure.
Matt Baum: 13:46 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 13:47 That's correct.
Matt Baum: 13:47 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 13:48 So and this is caused by cells in the brain called microglia. Microglia, which are like the same type of inflammatory cells in your finger that cause your finger to be red, hot, tender and swollen. Well, we know that CBD decreases the micro glial response, so it decreases inflammation in the brain.
Matt Baum: 14:17 Wow.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 14:18 And it also reduces other factors. There's one called NF-κB. That is another transcription factor that causes inflammation. So it decreases that as well.
Matt Baum: 14:34 So can I ask in your paper …
Dr. Joe Maroon: 14:36 Yeah, go ahead.
Matt Baum: 14:37 The CBD that you were using, what was the dosage? Was this a tincture that you were testing with? How did you …
Dr. Joe Maroon: 14:44 This is a review paper.
Matt Baum: 14:47 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 14:47 So there weren't any experiments performed me.
Matt Baum: 14:51 No.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 14:52 But we have 129 references of studies that were done using various preparations of CBD.
Matt Baum: 15:05 Okay. So several different types.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 15:08 Yeah.
Matt Baum: 15:08 Okay. So from there we learn that CBD is acting as a neuroprotectant, it is reducing inflammation. You went on to, from what I understand, you've gone on to talk about the benefits of CBD in seniors. Is this because aging naturally leads to more inflammation of the brain?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 15:31 Exactly right.
Matt Baum: 15:32 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 15:34 I mean as we get older, our defense mechanisms diminish.
Matt Baum: 15:40 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 15:41 Our immune system is not as effective. And another active mechanism of CBD is it's said to be an immuno modulator, immunomodulation.
Matt Baum: 15:58 You're going to have to define that one for me I'm afraid.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 16:02 So it modulates, affects the immune system and we have in our various immune tissue from our gut to our thymus gland to our spleen, to our lymph nodes. There are receptors for CB2.
Matt Baum: 16:25 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 16:25 And the CBD enhances the formation of natural killer cells as well as other cells that are protective against infection and immune suppression.
Matt Baum: 16:45 And this is all a part of your natural endo cannabinoid receptors?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 16:49 That's correct.
Matt Baum: 16:50 Wow. Okay. So that ties directly into things like Alzheimer's for example.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 16:56 Yes. In the sense that there's a marked neuroinflammatory response in the brain associated with what's called the beta amyloid plaques. These are neuropathological abnormalities seen in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.
Matt Baum: 17:23 Right. It's plaque that builds up on the receptors basically.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 17:23 The plaque.
Matt Baum: 17:23 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 17:24 The plaque that interfere with the receptors and also are associated with microglia activated neuro-inflammation. That's kind of a lot, but basically …
Matt Baum: 17:34 Yeah, you've got some serious Scrabble winners here. This is, it's impressive.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 17:40 It's like the splinter under your finger that causes inflammation. Beta amyloid plaques are also associated with an inflammatory response. So again, whatever we can do to reduce inflammation may have therapeutic benefit.
Matt Baum: 17:58 So it's not so much directly attacking the disease as much as it is reducing the inflammation to the point where the disease can't express itself as violently or as dangerously as it would?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 18:13 Yeah, that's true. But there also are some recent papers suggesting that it may have a direct influence also on the beta amyloid plaques.
Matt Baum: 18:23 Really? That is amazing. And so where do we go from here?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 18:27 It's not a cure. I'm not saying this is a cure.
Matt Baum: 18:27 No.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 18:30 What I'm saying is it can mitigate the effects of what's going on in the brain possibly.
Matt Baum: 18:39 Where do we go from here with this research now that we're starting to see this and we're writing papers? Where do we go from here? Do we start looking at CBD as more of say a drug, like a medication or do you think we should stay with a more natural approach to it? What's your opinion?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 19:04 You've asked three questions in that sentence.
Matt Baum: 19:10 Yeah, I know.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 19:11 It gets very complicated. As you know, it already is a drug. EPIDIOLEX which is marketed by GW pharmaceutical in England as a drug to treat epilepsy in kids. Very specific forms of epilepsy that are intractable to drugs and yet have been shown scientifically to be helped with relatively high doses of CBD. And it's FDA approved. It's marketed as a drug. The only problem, it's extremely expensive.
Matt Baum: 19:46 Yeah.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 19:46 I mean in the range of 20 to $25,000 a year.
Matt Baum: 19:50 Oh my God.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 19:52 For for that particular drug. And which is a FDA approved.
Matt Baum: 19:59 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 20:01 But are there other opportunities for natural CBD? I think there's going to be additional, there are several, many studies going on now looking at CBD and specific cannabinoids as a drug. But also, I mean presently as a nutraceutical, it has the, as I said, the analgesics, the anti-inflammatory, and also it's an anti-anxiety. It has an anti-anxiety component, so it may be useful and also an antidepressant. So the difficulties are knowing what dose to use.
Matt Baum: 20:56 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 20:57 And then it gets into the various products. There are something like 1200 different manufacturers of CBD with products on the market in this country.
Matt Baum: 21:07 Yeah. And more every day.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 21:11 And more every day. And that's a huge problem for consumers. And that's where you really, the consumer really needs to know and do a little homework on how well for number one, where is the CBD sourced from?
Matt Baum: 21:30 Yeah.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 21:30 How is it extracted? If it's imported, what are their criteria? What are the genetics of the plant that's being used.
Matt Baum: 21:40 Yes, absolutely.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 21:41 And what kind of third party testing is done to make sure there are no microbials, fungi, contaminants and toxic materials in the compound.
Matt Baum: 21:59 Yeah. It's been a lot of that in the news lately.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 21:59 That's safe. And that's why and this is for reputable companies, I think that you can find, you have to go to their website and see is there full traceability right from seed to shelf. There are several companies out there or at least a few that do this. CV sciences, which is a company that I'm very familiar with.
Matt Baum: 22:27 Yeah, we know them at Ministry of Hemp too. They're very cool.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 22:31 And they have great science behind it and they have full traceability, as I said, from seed to shelf in terms of the cultivars that are used for the initial growth. And then it's tested at least five times for what I mentioned, microbials contaminants, soil products that shouldn't be there, etc. So with products like that, the dosage still needs to be almost on an individual empirical basis.
Matt Baum: 23:07 Right. That's the hardest part is figuring out what you need.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 23:12 The whole concept is to start low and go slow in terms of increasing.
Matt Baum: 23:16 And you'll get to that point where you figure out, okay, I'm starting to feel benefits, I'm seeing this.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 23:20 Yes.
Matt Baum: 23:20 But yeah, start low, go slow. I like that. I'm going to steal that. That's a good one. So what is your own personal regimen like? What are you taking daily?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 23:31 I take on a daily basis, I take 15 milligrams of the CV science PlusCBD oil.
Matt Baum: 23:42 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 23:44 15 to 30 milligrams a day. And when I, if I'm working out, if I have joint problems, I'll use a balm, a cream that is quite effective actually for joints, knee problems, wrist problems, arthritis in the sense that there are cannabinoid receptors in the skin.
Matt Baum: 24:13 Okay. This is something I wanted to ask you about.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 24:16 And the balm can literally block that. And I've had so many patients have positive responses in terms of pain relief from topical application. It can be given topically, it can be used by capsules, there are sprays that can be absorbed sublingual under the tongue. There are various different ways to use it.
Matt Baum: 24:41 So let me ask you real quick about the bioavailability of the topical stuff because that's one thing that I don't understand. And we hear people saying, "Oh, we've used nanotechnology to put the CBD in this and you just rub it straight on. Your skin can literally absorb this and accept it and it gets in your system.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 25:05 It's not so much the transcutaneous bioabsorbability. My understanding is that the receptors, the pain receptors located in the dermis, in the skin.
Matt Baum: 25:17 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 25:18 And take this up locally and this results in significant pain relief. So I don't think when you put it on your knee that it necessarily is going directly into your knee joint.
Matt Baum: 25:32 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 25:32 I think it's having an analgesic effect on the pain receptors in the skin.
Matt Baum: 25:38 Okay. Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 25:39 And maybe some transdermal absorption. But I don't think that's the active component in reducing the pain.
Matt Baum: 25:49 It's just more of a local analgesic.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 25:51 I think it's just topical as the absorbable component.
Matt Baum: 25:54 Okay. That makes a little more sense. I've never really heard it described that way. And this isn't to the fault of anyone else that was selling something, but I would always be like, well, what does it do? How's it getting in there? I don't understand. But a topical analgesic, that makes a lot more sense.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 26:10 I think it's the receptors in the skin is my best way of understanding it as well.
Matt Baum: 26:14 Right. So before I had asked you, where does this go? What I meant is perhaps a better question is where would you like to see this go? Ideally, how does this unfold?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 26:29 I think we're kind of in a way where we were with Omega-3 Fatty Acids 20 years ago or so in the sense that we're learning all the time about different concentrations, different formulations, different cannabinoids. I mean we're talking about CBD and to some extent THC, which is marijuana. But there are 400 or so other cannabinoid compounds and turpines "in the CBD products." And these other compounds may have individual therapeutic effect when separated, analyzed and concentrated. So I think it's a burgeoning, exploding, new field. When I say new, we're talking about the cannabinoid system, the endo cannabinoid receptors. We only discovered beginning in the 90s, so we're 10, 20, 30 years into the endo cannabinoids system.
Matt Baum: 27:52 Right. And even then, were we allowed to use them in studies and really experiment on them because it was still listed as a section one drug.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:02 Exactly. Schedule one.
Matt Baum: 28:03 Or schedule one, yeah.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:05 The government says it has no therapeutic benefit.
Matt Baum: 28:08 Right. It's too dangerous. Way too dangerous. We can't be messing with that.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:11 Well, no therapeutic benefit.
Matt Baum: 28:13 Yeah.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:14 So it doesn't even have any active ingredients. Although it's been used for 2,500 years by people for therapeutic use.
Matt Baum: 28:25 So step one is writing these papers.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:28 It's just an inappropriate government situation in this regard.
Matt Baum: 28:32 Yeah, it's silly. It's silly. So step one is having scientists and doctors like you writing these papers and putting this in peer reviewed journals and creating the science to show yes, there is in fact a therapeutic benefit.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:49 Yes. I think it's, I think now it's clear to recognize, particularly since the FDA approved CBD as a drug for treating epilepsy.
Matt Baum: 28:59 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 28:59 How can you on one hand approve it as a medically therapeutic problem for epilepsy and then have it as a schedule one drug saying that it has no therapeutic benefit?
Matt Baum: 29:11 Right. It's ridiculous. It doesn't make any sense. You're selling it as a drug with benefits.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 29:18 Yeah.
Matt Baum: 29:19 So would you like to see this move ….
Dr. Joe Maroon: 29:21 So anyway, that's got to be changing I'm sure.
Matt Baum: 29:22 Oh yeah. Would you like to see CBD move more out of the homeopathic and into the realm of pharmaceutical science?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 29:31 I think it should be both.
Matt Baum: 29:36 Okay.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 29:36 I think we're in the nutraceutical area and the pharmaceutical area, I think they overlap tremendously. The reason for the pharmaceutical aspect of it, of course, is what you were alluding to earlier in that with a pharmaceutical, you're more certain of the quality of the product.
Matt Baum: 29:59 Yes.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 30:00 And content of the product and the therapeutic efficacy. With a nutraceutical, there's only one or two that are grass approved. Now, there were generally recognized as safe by the government.
Matt Baum: 30:13 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 30:13 With full traceability. And that's why CV sciences in my mind is one of the very best companies for that because they are grass approved and very few others are. But otherwise, you don't know what you're getting in a capsule or a bottle.
Matt Baum: 30:30 Right. The benefits of the pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 30:33 The benefits of FDA approval are certainly that.
Matt Baum: 30:35 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 30:35 However, do you need to go through $1 billion of research to get FDA approval for something that will take you five years.
Matt Baum: 30:47 Right.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 30:49 So it's a conundrum.
Matt Baum: 30:50 Absolutely. And $1 billion entry level is a, it's pretty high for a lot of these small CBD farmers that are getting into the game. But I think you're right. I think as long as we continue to self report and you can find companies that are doing it right and showing you their lab results and you in turn start slow and start low and go slow, you can have all these benefits that you're talking about. I think it's amazing what you're doing and completely appreciate it. And you're the first doctor that I've spoken to that was willing to talk to me about this. There was several others I contacted and they said, yeah, I really like it and I think it's really cool. I'm not going on record. How come you're not afraid to?
Dr. Joe Maroon: 31:34 Well, it's science and I'm not proporting anything or reporting anything that's not documented in the medical literature. And as I said, read the paper we published and we summarize it. And I'm basically, I'm simply telling you what is referenced with 129 references.
Matt Baum: 31:59 Fair enough.
Dr. Joe Maroon: 32:00 Peer reviewed.
Matt Baum: 32:00 Fair enough. Dr. Joe, I don't want to take up any more of your time. You've been fantastic.
Matt Baum: 32:08 Thanks again to Dr. Maroon for coming on the show and I will have links to his bio and the book that he wrote, Square One, The Secret of a Balanced Life, which is available on amazon and those links will be in the show notes. And as always you'll be able to find a complete written transcription of the show in those notes as well for the hearing impaired. I want to send out a huge thanks to everyone that has been listening to the show and responding to us on Facebook/ministryofhemp, our Twitter @MinistryofHemp, our Instagram, ministryofhemp. You get it, you know on social media works.
Matt Baum: 32:42 We love to hear from you guys and if you have hemp related questions you can call us at (402) 819-6417 and leave us a message with your question. There is a good chance it will get answered right here on the show. Kit who is the editor in chief of has been helping me with some Q and A shows and I'm hoping to have another one real soon here, but we need to hear from you.
Matt Baum: 33:07 The Ministry of Hemp Podcast is written, produced and edited by me, Matt Baum. So if you like what you hear, do me a favor and give us a rating in iTunes or even a little written review. You wouldn't believe how much it helps to increase search results for this show, which helps people that are looking for information on hemp and CBD. It's quick and it's easy and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it. Speaking of, Kit has a fantastic article up about hemp biofuels. We could be pouring hemp into our cars soon and guess what? It's a much better alternative than using food crops to make ethanol.
Matt Baum: 33:45 Also, if you're looking for quality CBD products, check out our top brand section. These are brands that we've not only reviewed, but we've researched and we really trust. But high quality hemp products can be expensive too. So be sure to check out our links to several different CBD assistance programs that are out there that you might qualify for. That's it for today's show. And until next time, this is Matt Baum with the Ministry of Hemp, telling you, take care of yourself, take care of others, and make good decisions will you? This is the Ministry of Hemp signing off.
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