More Hemp & CBD Questions Answered with Matt and Kit

August 23, 2019 00:29:33
More Hemp & CBD Questions Answered with Matt and Kit
The Ministry of Hemp Podcast
More Hemp & CBD Questions Answered with Matt and Kit

Aug 23 2019 | 00:29:33


Show Notes

The Ministry of Hemp Podcast returns with another episode answering your hemp & CBD questions!

Our host Matt and Ministry of Hemp Editor in Chief Kit recorded another episode of questions. This time it's mostly health questions relating to CBD but they touch on growing hemp in Texas and the dangers of buying CBD from Amazon.

Send your written questions to us on TwitterFacebook, email [email protected], or call us and leave a message at 402-819-6417. Keep in mind that phone number is for hemp questions only and any other inquiries for Ministry of Hemp should be sent to [email protected].

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More resources: CBD and health

Here's some articles we've written which relate to the CBD questions answered in this episode:

We also recommended products from our Best CBD Capsules and Top CBD Gummies articles, and Mr. HempFlower hemp buds.

Editor Kit and Host Matt respond to CBD questions in the Ministry of Hemp Podcast. Photo: A generic bottle of CBD oil with a hemp bud attached to a long stem.Editor Kit and Host Matt respond to CBD questions in the Ministry of Hemp Podcast.

Hemp & CBD questions with Matt & Kit: Episode transcript

Below you'll find the complete written transcript of this episode.

Matt Baum: Welcome back to the Ministry of Hemp Podcast. My name is Matt Baum. And I am pleased to say, I hadn't planned on it, but I got a bunch of really good phone calls and questions from you guys. So we're going to go right into our Hemp Q&A, part two. Once again, Kit O’Connell is going to join me in answering some of these questions. Kit is the editor-in-chief over at, and he did a great job last time, so I brought him back.

Matt Baum: But I'm super proud of you guys. You came up with some really good ones this time. And I want to keep doing this. I want to have more of these shows. If you want to know how hemp paper is made, or what is hemp concrete, or you want to know what kind of CBD you should be taking, please call me at (402) 819-6417, and leave us a message, be sure to include your name so I know who I'm talking to, and ask away. Anything hemp related goes. And, like I said, I'd like to do one of these in between each interview episode that I'm doing. So it's your show, please use it.

Matt Baum: But let's get to it. It's time for Hemp Q&A number two.

Matt Baum: Kit, welcome back. It's always good to have you on the show, man.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, good to do this again.

Matt Baum: Yeah. We got some pretty cool questions today, most of which are sort of medically related, but, I mean, we're not playing doctors, but I think we could help a little bit, right?

Kit O’Connell : We can offer what we've learned, yeah. We're definitely not doctors.

Matt Baum: No.

Kit O’Connell : And you're going to get tired of hearing us say this by the end of the podcast probably, because I bet we're going to say it again. But we've learned a lot by working here, so we'll do our best to tell you what we've heard.

Matt Baum: But again, this is not medical advice.

Kit O’Connell : Right.

Matt Baum: It's just a friend to a friend here. Let's get going with this first one.

CBD and the elderly

Speaker 3: Hello, I'm calling in today to inquire about an elderly woman and the possibility of how and if CBD would be helpful, and the interaction with the medications she's presently on. She is suffering some pain at this time, and it has become a chronic issue. And she is taking tramadol for that pain. She's only taking 25 milligrams, AM and PM. Her other medications, she is on some psychotropic drugs. She's on Buspar and alprazolam. She is also on Namenda for memory. She regularly takes prednisone, Plavix, and Synthroid. So I'd like your input and information on the concerns about this and using CBD oil. Thank you.

Matt Baum: So it sounds like she is concerned more about drug interaction, just the way that's she's listing stuff off.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, on the surface, just as a general principle, obviously CBD has a lot to offer for older people. As we get older, our bodies, our aches and pains increase, and other things can come to trouble us. So in a general sense, yes, of course CBD can be very beneficial for older people.

Kit O’Connell : With the medications, something that's starting to come out, and I have just started seeing some CBD companies add this to their website, although most of them don't have anything about it yet, we're still planning to write an article about it, the big thing is that there is an interaction that they've seen in the labs between CBD and some medications. And it's the same interaction that we see with grapefruit. So if your elderly relative has been told not to take grapefruit because of the other medications she's on, you should definitely talk to the doctor before trying CBD.

Matt Baum: Okay, so I remember you mentioned that last time as well. And one of the major parts was the grapefruit actually prevented CBD from having its full effect. Was that right?

Kit O’Connell : No, what grapefruit does is it prevents the body from re-absorbing the drug, so you can actually end up with too much of a medication in your system.

Matt Baum: Oh, okay. That's right.

Kit O’Connell : Certain drugs, if you take grapefruit when you're taking them, you may end up with basically a higher dose in your body than you want to have, because it sticks around for longer because of this grapefruit effect. What they've found is that, in the labs, very high doses, and we're actually going to talk about this with one of the other calls coming up, but at very high doses, which in lab tests of CBD, they're giving people very high doses of CBD, like hundreds of milligrams at a time.

Matt Baum: Wow.

Kit O’Connell : They have seen some interaction that's similar to this grapefruit effect. But just because your friend is taking so many different medications, I'm just going to say, as a blanket rule, you should talk to the doctor before you start taking CBD.

Matt Baum: Sure.

Kit O’Connell : Because they're going to know the latest research. And they'll also be aware of, if this grapefruit effect is in play, in which case, it's better safe than sorry. Chances are that you're going to be taking lower doses of CBD than have been shown to trigger this, but at the same time, this is a serious effect, so you just don't want to mess around with it if you are on one of those medications.

Matt Baum: Right. And anytime you would introduce any type of treatment into your diet or your routine, by all means, talk to a doctor.

Kit O’Connell : Absolutely. Yeah.

Matt Baum: Just be safe, you know?

Kit O’Connell : And we're at the point now where most doctors out there, I mean CBD, they found that something, there was a Gallup poll recently that showed 14% of Americans have tried CBD products, which is a really amazing amount.

Matt Baum: That's huge. I had no idea.

Kit O’Connell : That's a huge amount. That's a huge amount. And so what that means too is at this point you're probably not going to walk into a doctor and say, "Hey, is it okay if I take CBD," and have them be shocked or think you're turning into a drug addict or something [crosstalk 00:06:00].

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : This is a substance that lots and lots of people have tried. And so I don't think you have to worry in the way that you might have even five years ago about bringing this up that they're going to be shocked. I think they're going to be very open to discussing this with you.

Matt Baum: Yeah, the pariah aspect of it, the taboo is really gone. I think there's been enough stuff in the news that people are starting to realize this is not an illicit drug that I'm taking. This is coming, this is here. And it's pretty well-known at this point.

Kit O’Connell : Exactly. So yeah, feel free to talk to your doctor. And that's definitely what we'd advise in this particular case.

Using CBD for sleep

Matt Baum: Cool. All right, for this next one, this person actually called twice. They called the first time and left this one, and then they called again and specified that they were talking about CBD for sleep usage. So I'll just put that in your head real quick here. It's a short call.

Speaker 4: Hey Matt, I love your podcast. I just wanted to call and ask if I should be taking full spectrum or an isolate CBD oil, and if it's an isolate, which one should I look for? Thank you.

Matt Baum: So he had called back and said that he had been experimenting with some full spectrum stuff, but he's specifically looking for something to help with sleep. So I'm guessing kind of anti-anxiety.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, or just, I mean, it has been shown that CBD just helps people sleep better, or some people find that they sleep a little deeper or fall asleep a little easier [crosstalk 00:07:30]-

Matt Baum: Yeah, I know, I do. Definitely.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah. So even aside from the anxiety effects, but obviously if you're laying awake feeling anxious, you wont be able to fall asleep.

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : It does help a lot of people feel less anxious. I would say if you're already experimenting with the full spectrum, keep doing that. You can try the isolate. Just to briefly go over if people aren't familiar, legally, hemp-based CBD has to have less than 0.3% THC, which is of course the ingredient in psychoactive cannabis or marijuana that makes us go high. So a full spectrum CBD product has still those tiny traces, 0.3% or less, of THC in it, as well as the other naturally occurring compounds that we find in the plant, like CBG and CBN. It may have trace amounts of that. We also see broad spectrum, which is where they've taken the THC out, but they've left some of those other chemicals like cannabinoids and terpenes in. And then we see isolate, which is just CBD by itself.

Kit O’Connell : Some people do find that isolate really helps them, and it can make it easier if you're trying to get a very specific dose of CBD. But I wouldn't necessarily … I haven't read anything that isolate or full spectrum is commonly better or worse for helping you sleep. One thing you might consider is there's a lot of CBD products that come bundled with melatonin now.

Matt Baum: Yeah.

Kit O’Connell : You can find like capsules and even gummies and stuff that have the melatonin in them. And so if you're not taking melatonin already, that can be a really great combination. I take those, I take the two together either in one thing, or I take them, a melatonin and a CBD supplement both at bedtime, and that sure knocks me out real good for the night.

Matt Baum: Do we have any links for a melatonin and CBD company on Ministry of Hemp that's really good? Because I know I've seen a lot of questionable ones on Amazon and stuff like that. Do we have any links to good ones?

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, we do. And as a general rule, actually, we recommend people not to buy their CBD off Amazon. We're going to get into that in an article coming up.

Matt Baum: Oh, boy. Yeah.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah. But in general, yeah, we do. Let's see. Let me think about that. We've definitely seen a bunch of different capsules. If you look on our top capsules article, which is linked right off our CBD menu, there's at least one or two in there that have melatonin. And also, I believe in our gummies article, we've got at least one, our top gummies article. We have at least one that's like a CBD gummy with melatonin. So yeah.

Matt Baum: Cool. Very cool. All right, moving right along here. Oh, and thank you for the compliment by the way, caller. That was very sweet. I appreciate that.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, thanks.

CBD for high blood pressure

Speaker 5: Hey, I'm curious about CBD treatment for high blood pressure. I've heard it can help with anxiety, but does that mean it would also help with high blood pressure? Thanks.

Matt Baum: So CBD and high blood pressure.

Kit O’Connell : So that's something I didn't really know about until you sent me this call before we did this. So I gave it a little search, and I did find, if you look on Google Scholar, there was at least one study in 2017 where they found that CBD did seem to improve people's blood pressure. Now, this is something I was referring to before, that when scientists do clinical studies of CBD, they're using extremely high doses. So in this study, it was a double blind study, meaning some people got a placebo and some people got CBD, the people who got CBD got 600 milligrams of CBD in a single dose.

Matt Baum: That's huge.

Kit O’Connell : That's huge. That's like … Some of the bottles of CBD, the entry level bottles of CBD, like a one-ounce bottle, that has 300 milligrams of CBD. So for some people, that's like drinking two whole bottles of CBD.

Matt Baum: Yeah, that's impressive.

Kit O’Connell : One of the things is like, just overall, not just high blood pressure is like, you and I and so many people have experienced great effects with relatively small amounts of CBD.

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : From a purely scientific, clinical perspective, there's not a lot of evidence yet of why or how that's working at those low doses. Because when there is research, they're giving people these really high doses. And part of the reason for that is it's just easier in research to kind of hit it with a bazooka, then try to look at whether you're a little [inaudible] from having an effect. So you and I trying CBD over the course of weeks or months, we take a little every night and we start to sort of see these effects that are helpful for us, and maybe we feel something right away. But from research study, they just kind of want to see what's going to happen.

Kit O’Connell : So it's hard for me to say that taking the usual doses that you and I take, 10, 20 milligrams at a time, is that going to affect your blood pressure? I mean, maybe. It has been shown that people feel less anxious, and it does seem to help with inflammation, which can relate to blood pressure I believe. So it's definitely something to consider. Again, as long as it doesn't interfere with your other medications that you're taking, I don't see any reason not to try it.

Matt Baum: Right. It couldn't hurt to act as a buffer if you're already taking a blood pressure medication, for example.

Kit O’Connell : That seems like true.

Matt Baum: Right?

Kit O’Connell : Again, we're not doctors, I'm just going to say that again, but-

Matt Baum: Yeah. We're not doctors.

Kit O’Connell : But yeah, like I said, so there is this little bit of research that shows it works, but again, keep in mind that what we're taking and what they're doing in the labs are a little bit different. But it seems like it's worth a shot to me.

Matt Baum: Yeah, it just seems to make sense. Again, consult your doctor. But if you're less anxious, your blood pressure is lower. That is not to say quit taking your blood pressure medication, but-

Kit O’Connell : Obviously.

Matt Baum: … I would say one begets the other probably. All right, our final call here.

Health concerns: Vaping CBD and smoking hemp flower

Speaker 6: Hey Matt. First time, long time. Question: What are the health concerns of smoking hemp flower versus vaping CBD. I'll hang up, listen to the answer. Thanks.

Matt Baum: So concerns about smoking hemp flower versus vaping CBD. I think this is a really good question, because there's been a lot, not necessarily about vaping CBD, but vaping in the news, and health concerns about that. And is it as healthy as we think? What do you know about this one, Kit?

Kit O’Connell : I mean, it does seem to be a really fast developing area in terms of vaping. There have been a few reports lately, and there they are disturbing reports suggesting that people have gotten lung damage from CBD, or not necessarily from CBD, but just from vape cartridges. And at least some of the stories indicate that what people are taking are counterfeit cartridges that are supposed to have marijuana extract in them.

Matt Baum: Oh.

Kit O’Connell : And they're getting counterfeit cartridges that look like the real thing, which we know are out there. Unfortunately, if you go on eBay, you can sometimes even find people selling empty boxes and cartridges that are designed to look like the name brand cartridges that you get in the legal dispensaries in places like Colorado.

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : So, unfortunately, this is one of those cases where we really need to have the regulated cannabis industry, because in the illegal states, there's some of these counterfeit products. People still want to get high or feel the benefits of psychoactive cannabis. But it sounds like, in rare cases, they're getting these dangerous things.

Kit O’Connell : Overall, vaping is considered, my impression that vaping is considered to be safer than smoking tobacco products.

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : So if you're smoking tobacco, it's a good harm reduction strategy to switch to vaping nicotine as you're quitting. That's pretty well-established. But as far as just the health effects of straight up vaping, there's lots of research on both sides of it. I think this is a place where the jury is still out. I vape CBD pretty regularly, and a lot of people do find it to be really convenient. But there is this potential people are maybe running into harm.

Kit O’Connell : In the short-term, with whatever you're ingesting, we always say to go look at those lab results, make sure there's no residual solvents, if they've been tested so that they don't have any toxins in them or funguses or bacteria, all that stuff. You want to look at the lab results and make sure you're taking a really good pure product.

Matt Baum: Yeah, know where your product is coming from basically.

Kit O’Connell : Know where your product is coming from. And if you're doing vaping, it might make sense to research what are the carrier chemicals that are in that vape, and just look into the research of what they're finding about those, because there's different additives that they mix in there to kind of make it into the vape juice.

Matt Baum: Right.
Kit O’Connell : And some of those maybe seem safer than others, but again, I think the jury is out. As far as smoking hemp flower, this is something we're seeing. Here in Texas there's a whole bunch of stores, we can just walk into them and buy the hemp flower these days. I got some sent in the mail for me the other day from one of the people we work with, Mr. Hemp Flower.

Matt Baum: Oh, nice.

Kit O’Connell : So definitely, we're living in the future. You can get hemp in the mail.

Matt Baum: Look at us.

Kit O’Connell : You can smoke. And it's kind of funny because one of the things that used to be the stereotypical newspaper article was like, "Hemp's not marijuana. You can't smoke it." But of course these days lots of people are smoking it. It can be really relaxing. You don't get high, but you do get some of those CBD effects of reducing anxiety, pain relief, inflammation relief.

Kit O’Connell : Of course, in general, research in terms of smoking cannabis in all its forms, it does not seem to be as cancer causing as smoking tobacco. It doesn't-

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : And it may even have some chemical properties that are a little bit protective of that, that prevent that. But anytime you're inhaling something that's been combusted, you've burned something and you're inhaling the smoke [crosstalk 00:17:12]-

Matt Baum: Right, smoke is smoke, all things considered.

Kit O’Connell : Smoke is smoke.

Matt Baum: Is it going to have as much tar and what not as a cigarette? No, absolutely not. But you're still inhaling smoke.

Kit O’Connell : You're still inhaling smoke. It's not something that's great for you. Now, it doesn't have that addictive potential. You're not going to … Probably no one is going to become a three-pack a day hemp cigarette smoker.

Matt Baum: Yeah.

Kit O’Connell : So you're smoking probably less of it overall. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's safe. You are still smoking. The safest thing if you want to take CBD I think is still the eating it, or take the tincture, or whatever.

Matt Baum: Right.

Kit O’Connell : But you know. So I mean, relatively speaking, it's never good to inhale combusted things, smoke. But on the other hand, there is some research showing that there's less tar and that, even allowing for that, that cancer rates in heavy pot smokers, this is where it's been researched the heaviest, we don't have a lot of research into hemp smokers yet that I'm aware of, but there seemed to be really way less cancer incidences than they'd expect in heavy cannabis smokers.

Matt Baum: Yeah, I mean, it just makes sense, coming from a cigarette point of view, where they are loaded with a lot of different chemicals, some of which are to make you want to smoke more, I mean, people are going to smoke four or five packs of cigarettes a day sometimes and get cancer. Whereas, even the heaviest pot smokers, they're not going through two packs of cigarettes a day probably.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, exactly. The equivalent isn't there. There have been some studies showing that heavy cannabis smokers do still have some issues with bronchitis and stuff like that. I don't think it's … It's not a one-to-one, like you're going to get sick if you smoke cannabis, but there may be some slight increases in susceptibility to other things that are caused when our lungs are under stress. And that kind of makes sense if you think about it, so-

Matt Baum: Yeah. I mean, smoke is still an irritant one way or another.

Kit O’Connell : The smoke is an irritant, so you are taking an irritant into your lungs. On the other hand, I'm not going to say it's safe, but there's lots and lots of people out there that are smoking cannabis, and we're not seeing a rapid rise in lung cancer. So take that for whatever it's worth.

Matt Baum: So, end of the day, vaping is probably going to be better than smoking, just due to the fact that vaping is water vapor-based. And you still need to make sure you know where you're getting your product from, so there's nothing in there that's nasty. And again-

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, and I would pay attention to these stories that we're starting to see now, just to see what they come up with. It may be that people got things with bad additives or, like I said, these counterfeit cannabis cartridges, in which case, who knows what those were loaded with.

Matt Baum: Ugh.

Kit O’Connell : They could be loaded with spice or one of those really dangerous synthetics. So it's possible that that's what we're seeing. We just don't really know what's up with that yet. Again though, obviously millions of people are vaping and we're not seeing millions of people with this lung damage [crosstalk 00:20:04].

Growing hemp in Texas

Matt Baum: Okay, and our last question comes from Carson in Texas, and he is curious about how Texas is going to be handling THC. Here's what he says.

"Hey Matt, my name is Carson. I'm a current hemp farmer in New Mexico, but I plan on building a hemp 'gin,' …" he has that in quotes, and I think that's a separator, don't really know, "… in Texas next year. Question: As far as I know, THC in any amount is still illegal to sell in Texas. What are hemp processors going to do with this? Do we need extraction equipment to take out the THC in our hemp? Do we have to dispose of our THC, or can we sell it to other processing facilities in other states? The main topic of these questions, what is Texas going to do with the THC regulations in hemp? Thanks for reading. Your answers would be greatly appreciated."

Kit O’Connell : So Texas right now, as far as the farming side of things, it's kind of in a holding pattern. Texas did legalize hemp, and what they did was say that you can have CBD products in the state, you can sell CBD products, you can even sell hemp flower products here. Under this kind of weird part of the regulation, you're not allowed to produce or package hemp flower products here, which is a little weird, but you can still buy, and use them, and sell them.

Matt Baum: What does that mean as far as produce package? You can't have a cigarette package basically of hemp flower?

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, well, what that means I think is that, like if I was a a hemp farmer in the future here in Texas once we're actually growing hemp here, and I wanted to turn my hemp into pre-rolled cigarettes or joints, I might have to ship it out of state to have people roll it into joints and then ship it back.

Matt Baum: Well, that's silly, but okay.

Kit O’Connell : Very silly, but that seems to be the one thing you're not allowed to do here right now. But as far as the growing side of things go, we kind of don't know because Texas has said they're not going to let anybody grow until the USDA, the US Department of Agriculture, releases their guidelines for hemp. And that's expected some time next year, hopefully in time for the 2020 growing season. So, unfortunately, that means … Because Texas actually has a really great growing season, and physically, we could be planting hemp in about the next month or so here, and have a fall harvest probably for it.

Matt Baum: Yeah. And you say "we" because you are in fact a Texas native.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, well, I'm not a native. I've been here about 20 years. And [crosstalk 00:22:27]-

Matt Baum: That makes you a native now.

Kit O’Connell : Basically at this point, I count as one.

Matt Baum: Yeah.

Kit O’Connell : And Ministry of Hemp has a few people here in Austin, Texas. And so we're definitely looking forward to seeing hemp growing in Texas here. So that's very exciting. But they're kind of waiting to see what the USDA says. And obviously part of what the USDA is going to say is how farmers should handle THC. So [crosstalk 00:22:49]-

Matt Baum: And the state law should be the same as everywhere else though, 0.03%, right, theoretically?

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, 0.03%. And if you accidentally go over it, they're probably not going to penalize you. So my impression is that the federal law is designed to give people a lot of leeway in the understanding that sometimes their hemp products do get hot, meaning the THC is high. You're not going to be able to sell a final product like that. And if your crop gets hot, you might have to destroy it. But they're probably not going to penalize hemp farmers who have too much THC in their crops unless they're shown to be deliberately trying to flout the law in some way.

Matt Baum: Right. And in the last show that I did about interstate commerce actually, we talked a little bit how, even when hemp does get … pardon me, when THC levels get a little hot, we're talking about even up to 1% is still nothing. If you look at the marijuana that's grown for the purposes of getting high, it has sometimes up to 15%, 20%, 25% THC. So you're not even approaching anything that's going to be relatively close to what marijuana does at 1%. So punishing someone for that just seems ridiculous.

Kit O’Connell : Exactly, yeah. And I mean, one of the things we're seeing in Texas right now, a weird side effect, and you talked about that a little bit on your podcast too, is that the police really can't test accurately for THC levels.

Matt Baum: Yeah.

Kit O’Connell : What we're actually seeing in Texas right now is that marijuana is kind of functionally decriminalized in Texas right now because the police can't tell the difference. They pull you over and they find you with a joint or your little baggy, they don't have any way to detect accurately if it's hemp or THC.

Matt Baum: Other than smoking it I guess. Yeah.

Kit O’Connell : Other than smoking it, yes. Now, probably what's going to happen is that all these police departments are going to invest in new testing equipment, but that its own whole host of issues. Obviously our hope, we support the whole plant here at Ministry of Hemp and we hope that Texas just goes the easier route and just legalizes cannabis. But that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.

Matt Baum: No. I mean, let's aim for hemp first, and then we'll see what happens after that.

Kit O’Connell : Exactly. Yeah. So, but anyway, yeah, I mean, there will be obviously clear regulations for how farmers are going to handle that through processing. There's obviously some pretty powerful lobbies on the hemp side these days making sure that farmers can smoothly handle their crops, process and extract their crops. There may be some road bumps, but I'd expect it to be handled, hopefully, in a sensible way.

Matt Baum: There just seems like there's too much money. There's too much money at stake not to.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah.

Matt Baum: And this seems to be one of those issues, strangely, that Republicans and Democrats can agree on, which doesn't happen very often anymore. But when you have a guy like-

Kit O’Connell : Hemp is that issue. Hemp is that issue.

Matt Baum: Yeah. Mitch McConnell is one of the biggest proponents of hemp. He can pretty much go to hell for everything else, but I agree with him on that one thing, you know?

Kit O’Connell : So yeah-

Matt Baum: So there's just too much money potentially at stake to not figure this out. And they're going to.

Kit O’Connell : Exactly.

Matt Baum: And it is going to be a little difficult in the meantime. And props to you for having your hemp gin or your hemp farm in New Mexico. And I think it's great that you want to move into Texas. But you're going to have to pay attention, and you're going to have to dance for a little bit until we can figure out exactly what the rules are. Now, no reason why you can't get started in the meantime though.

Kit O’Connell : And one of the things is, as far as building things like separators and decorticators and all that, and the processing equipment needed to extract, all that stuff is going to need to be built in all the states. Right now there's not enough of the sort of infrastructure of hemp agriculture right now, things like hemp gins. So it's probably a great time to be doing that.

Matt Baum: It seems like everybody is just waiting, everyone is just waiting for the flood gates to open [inaudible] basically, so. And I get it, nobody wants to set up a major operation and then to have the government come in and go, "All right, shut it all down." And then two weeks later, they go, "Yeah, it's legal now, but you're still in trouble for that thing that happened two weeks ago." So it's a sticky wicket, if you will.

Kit O’Connell : It is.

Closing thoughts: Thanks for your hemp & CBD questions

Matt Baum: Thanks a lot for your question, Carson. And thank you to everybody that had questions today. That was great. You guys are getting better and better at this, to the point where, at first I thought I might be able to just do this, and now I have to bring in help because your questions are so heady. Kit, thank you. I appreciate your help, man.

Kit O’Connell : Yeah, this was fun. We'll do it again.

Matt Baum: Most definitely.

Matt Baum: Again, I just want to say a huge thank you to everybody that called in. These questions were fantastic. And, like I said, I would like to do this more often. So the more you call, the more often we can do these Hemp Q&A's. Next time on the show, I'm going to be talking about spagyric extraction, which sounds like I'm making it up, but it's a thing, and it's actually pretty cool. So I hope you tune in.

Matt Baum: In the meantime, feel free to email me at [email protected], or give us a call at (402) 819-6417 with your questions, comments, things you'd like to hear on the show. I just want to hear from you guys. And hey, if you've got the time, go to iTunes and give us a rating. It really helps us get in front of other people that are looking for programming like this. Heck, if you hate the show, let me know that too. I'm not saying it's going to change, but it's good to know. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @MinistryofHemp, on Facebook\MinistryofHemp. And be sure to check out, where Kit is constantly posting excellent articles, reviews of different CBD, everything you want to know about hemp, hemp culture, and where hemp is going.

Matt Baum: For now, I got to get out of here, so remember to take care of yourself, take care of others, and make good decisions, will you? This is Matt Baum with the Ministry of Hemp Podcast, signing off.

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Episode Cover

Farming The Fields Of Green: The challenges of the Hemp grower in America

Welcome to episode 3 of the Ministry of Hemp Podcast! This time on the show we're talking about what goes into hemp farming and...



October 17, 2019 00:38:45
Episode Cover

What is a CBD Specialist? An interview with Jess Reynolds of Ambary Gardens

In episode 16 of the Ministry of Hemp podcast, we meet a "CBD specialist" and learn about nano-encapsulated CBD. Our host Matt interviews Ambary...



May 14, 2019 00:31:54
Episode Cover

The Low Down Dirty Hemp Supply Chain

This week on the show Matt is talking to Jenn Price from Golden State Govt. Relations and Chris Fontes from about the problems...
