Latest Episodes

Small Hemp Farms vs. Corporate Hemp: Seth Hersh of Catskills Comfrey
Can small hemp farms and CBD producers compete in an increasingly regulated and competitive market? In this episode, Matt talks about more novel coronavirus...

Making Hemp Testing Easy and Affordable with Cree Crawford & Cann-ID
Hemp testing is a vital part of the hemp supply chain, but currently it can be expensive, unreliable, and too slow. This week on...

Growing Hemp With Doug Fine, Solar-Powered Goat Herder & American Farmer
At the Ministry of Hemp, we love not just hemp and cannabis but also regenerative agriculture and everything that can protect the earth where...

CBD Education In Action: A Conversation With Maggie Frank Of PlusCBD Oil
There's thousands of CBD products on the market, and many of them are poorly made or even, in rare cases, dangerously impure. CBD education...

Powdered CBD Supplements: A Conversation With Prima CEO Laurel Angelica Myers
Bioavailability is the measure of how much of any given substance, like CBD gets absorbed into the body. Is it possible to make CBD...

CBD & Chocolate: The Tastiest Way To Get CBD, With David Little Of Incentive Gourmet
Two of our favorite things taste (and feel) great together: CBD and chocolate. In this episode of the Ministry of Hemp podcast, our host...